We cover the basics and more in our ABCs of Marketing Measurement series. Learn More

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V is for Validation

Validation helps maintain confidence that data and analysis are accurate and plays a pivotal role in marketing mix modeling. Validation can build confidence in optimizations from any analysis.
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W is for WYSIWYG

The maxim "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) has found a transformative resonance in the world of data analysis, thanks to innovative Software as a Service (SaaS) techniques. It empowers non-programmers to wield the power of data analysis without the need for extensive coding or data science expertise. As SaaS platforms evolve to democratize insights, the WYSIWYG approach offers a bridge to informed decision-making and data-driven success.
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How To Build a Marketing Mix Model

See how we build a marketing mix model (MMM) that delivers actionable insights and informs marketing decisions.
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How Does A Marketing Mix Model Work?

There’s a lot of chatter out there on the return of marketing mix models (MMM) and what that return means for those seeking a return of their own — a return on investment.
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R is for Reach --> Retargeting --> Retention

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, understanding the intricate relationship between media reach, retargeting efforts, and customer retention is paramount for businesses aiming to foster long-term customer relationships. Marketers must understand the journey from acquiring new customers to nurturing existing and returning ones, facilitated by strategic consumer touchpoints, repeated digital advertising, and the eventual development of customer loyalty and repeat purchases.
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F is for Funnel Analytics

Funnel analytics are a critical component of marketing measurement that allows businesses to track and analyze the customer journey from initial awareness to final purchase, to identify points of friction and optimize conversion rates. With the right tools and data, marketers can use funnel analytics to make informed decisions, drive growth, and achieve their business goals.
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Narrow AI: Exploring its Benefits for Digital Marketing

Narrow AI, also known as weak AI, enables us to harness AI for specific (narrow) tasks, providing valuable insights that we can share with our clients.
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X is for Solving for X - mROI

Sometimes profitability is prioritized over brand growth. When a brand is looking to tighten budgets and maximize returns, Marginal Return on Investment (mROI) is a great way to optimize the media mix. Analyze each media vehicle and identify the marginal return on each incremental investment. While this will limit the media vehicle from reaching maximum potential, it will ensure that each media variable is optimized to the most profitable level. As businesses grapple with the decision to focus on overall profitability or pinpoint the best next dollar spend, a nuanced understanding of the tradeoffs involved becomes paramount. The pursuit of one objective often comes at the expense of the other, and when maximizing profitability, mROI helps identify the most profitable media mix.
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Y is for Solve for Y - Growth through ROI

To maximize growth, brands must look to maximize their Return on Investment (ROI) for efficient additional marketing channel investment opportunities. While this may sacrifice some profitability, incremental growth can is needed for most businesses to survive. Share of marketing growth tends to equal the share of marketplace, so the only way to increase market share comes from increasing the share of voice. Maximizing investment at the highest end of ROI is the most efficient way to accomplish this.
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T is for Transparency

Consumers have become more aware of their data and are concerned with how marketers are leveraging that data and surveilling consumers. Additionally, black-box solutions have emerged to leverage this data and provide recommendations to marketers without the ability to "show the work." Modern marketers must understand and further the goals of data transparency, how it transforms data governance, and ensure accountability in a landscape where information fuels innovation.
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